What's Your Excuse?
Nov 12, 2024
Hi Vibrant Lady!
I'm Coach DaNae on another Transformation Tuesday! I was talking with a friend this week about all the excuses we make that prevent us from truly living our best selves.
Initially, my excuses in the past were that I was busy homeschooling my kids, managing the house, and volunteering for different projects.
"I just can't focus on myself now, and that isn't fair to my family."
Then the reality hit me... One big reason I accepted being morbidly obese for so many years was that I was scared to live life to the fullest. I dug past the surface-level excuses to see why. I realized that was scared of transparency about the weight gain to myself and my readers, you. I feared rejection. I was embarrassed about gaining over 100 pounds.
How could I help others when I couldn't help myself? So I kept digging deeper and deeper... I consoled myself with comfort food that only kept me stuck in that pit.
I'm so thankful that I've been able to face that fear now and stand up against those excuses. I know that I'm not the only one that struggles with excuses.
Which fear is masquerading as an excuse and holding you back from the life you desire? We need to be prepared with transformational answers for the negative thoughts or circumstances that come our way.
I have made a free PDF for you. I encourage you to sit and write down all of your go-to excuses/fears that hold you back in life on one side. Then write down your new reasons for a vibrantly transformed life on the other.
Get your free "Excuses vs Transformational Worksheet"!
Download now
I look forward to connecting with you again! Until then...
Blend... Drink... Transform!
P.S. Remember... simple changes in your lifestyle can reap exponential rewards!